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What a great place to live, work, raise a family, and enjoy life! Known as "Big Sky" country, Montana is truly a unique place, with majestic mountains and wide expanses of open land. Montana has numerous rivers, many of which are known for "blue-ribbon" trout fishing.

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Montana Information
Montana is a state located in the western United States. There are over 70 mountain ranges within Montana. The name "Montana" is derived from the Spanish word montana, meaning "mountain". However, 60% of the state is prairie, part of the northern Great Plains.
Montana is the fourth largest state in the United States, with a land area of 145,552 square miles; yet, the state ranks 44th in population. Montana's total population was 957,861 as of the 2007 census estimate.
The Continental Divide runs on an approximate diagonal through the state from northwest to south-central, dividing the state into two distinct eastern and western regions. Montana is well-known for its western mountainous region.
Recreation Includes:
Glacier National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Little Bighorn National Monument
Bighorn Canyon Nat'l Rec. Area
Big Hole National Battlefield
Lewis and Clark Caverns
National Bison Range

Ski Areas Include:
Bear Paw Ski Bowl
Big Sky Resort
Bridger Bowl Ski Area
Discovery Basin
Great Divide
Lost Trail
Lookout Pass
Maverick Mountain
Moonlight Basin
Red Lodge Mountain
Showdown Ski Area
Snowbowl Ski Area
Teton Pass Ski Area
Turner Mountain Ski Resort
Whitefish Mountain Resort
University News
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